Other Aspects of NRW
Invisible leaks in urban water systems are just one aspect of improving urban water management. Read about energy management and other aspects of the broad spectrum of issues being contended with today.
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Mind Mapping in Water Loss analysis, personal experience
For successful reduction of water losses use of appropriate methodology is very important. We must develop dedicated strategy based on diagnostic approach.
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Leakage reduction software developed through the water research commission
Within the last few years there has been a growing realisation that the rapidly increasing water demands throughout South Africa are not sustainable.
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Integration of Demand Side Management and Supply Side Management
For many years the key emphasis for meting the growing water demands in South Africa was through Supply Side Management where new and often costly water transfer schemes were developed.
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Challenges with the implementation of water demand management initiatives in gauteng province
Gauteng province is the industrial heartland of South Africa and is one of the few large urbanised areas in the world that is not located adjacent to a major source of water.
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Aspects of Energy Efficiency In Water Supply Systems
Water supply systems are massive consumers of energy, which is consumed in each of the stages of the water production and supply chain: starting from pumping the water to the water treatment plant, along the treatment process and while distributing the water via the network.
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