Miya Bahamas has, over a six-year period, overseen the decrease in water loss around Nassau and developed strategies to promote water efficiency in the long term for the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC). The company recently accepted an invitation from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to participate in, and present at, a workshop focused on building stronger partnerships between water companies across Latin America and the Caribbean.
As part of the initiative, water Operators from Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Honduras, Portugal, Spain amongst others and, now The Bahamas all participated in a series of meetings that focused primarily on creating workable solutions to the issues facing the water sector in the region. During the sessions held in Washington DC on the 5th and 6th of December, participating water companies joined forces to identify collaborative ways and strategies to improve the water and sanitation systems.
"The workshops were a great resource of information and problem solving, particularly for countries in the region,” explained Miya Project Manager in The Bahamas, Mario Tavera. "The workshop was also composed of sessions of working multidisciplinary groups that allowed to draft a first emergency plan to be implemented.”
Having achieved significant success in the implementation of the WSC Non-Revenue-Water (NRW) strategy in New Providence, Miya Bahamas gave a detailed presentation which highlighted the companies and the IDB’s most successful NRW project to date and showed off the company’s work to reverse the trend of water loss in the capital. Special attention was given to the technologic aspects of the Project.
At the start of the company’s campaign, up to 6.87 million gallons of non-revenue water was being lost daily. However, through a targeted strategy that included the replacement of faulty service connections; continuous non-stop active leak detection surveys; pressure management; the deployment and installation of cutting-edge technology and the implementation of a comprehensive maintenance plan, among other things, the company has to date, cut water losses by 4.8 million gallons of water per day.
"Our presentation was well-received,” noted Tavera. "We expect this to be the first of many collaborative meetings to help the region, and we are thrilled our tremendous success here in The Bahamas will be a big part of the discussions moving forward.”